5 Share Friday

5 Share Friday 26 April 2019

Quote I’m pondering “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” Anthony J. D’Angelo

Facebook’s role on Brexit – If you vote for anything, in any country where  Facebook is used this is a must watch 15 minutes. It’s an unmissable video showing us how our decisions are now influenced by criminal activity, that we don’t even realise is criminal. If all voters, whether in America or the UK watch and learn from this, there’s a chance  our future will include true democracy again.

People vs devicesThis article really visualises what using your phone is like in other peoples company. I heard a Jennifer Anniston interview recently, where she said Friends the TV series could not be made now. The reason? No one that age sits in a coffee shop and just talks anymore, they’re constantly looking at their devices and using social media..

What I’m watchingThe Good Fight season 3 continues this series’ highly intelligent and humorous drama within an American law firm. What I’m really liking about Season 3 is the focus around politics and fake news. Many people I speak with don’t know or believe there are troll farms and millions of $ being spent on advertising fake truths, Here’s a funny short video I like, on what a Russian troll farm is, made by the Good Fight team.

In an eye opening interview with Eric Schmidt (ex Google CEO), Tim Ferriss manages to highlight so many lessons all of us who work in software companies can benefit from. A key one for me is hiring. This scaling teams lesson with Reid Hoffman (co founder of LinkedIn) is unmissable for anyone building or scaling teams/ companies. I wish more companies would listen and implement the lessons from this class.

In that class, Eric makes a statement that really hits home for me. For a while in the early days, my career trajectory was slower than I expected. I now know it was in part due to others valuing specific experience, rather than my actual offering. Here’s that statement:

“The industry over values experience and under values strategic and intellectual flexibility”- Eric Schmidt.


I hope you have a fantastic weekend doing what you love.

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