
The thing about and work

I can be particular about choices, and to others’ frustration I can definitely take time choosing even the littlest thing (from a simple coffee to where my fruit originated from).

In my last job role a friend told me that I ‘Purvis’ things, like presentations, processes and even simple communication like email going to a wider audience. He was right, mostly it was unnecessary, and at times just fussy. The thing is, I found it hard not too. So I began my journey in understanding there are parts of my life where I over think and waste my time, and worse than that I can waste the time of others.

So what about quality? What I’ve described so far is quality, at least a perception of it.

I’ve been working on the challenge of quality in previous engineering roles, video game roles and now with the Unity engine. I’ve been focused on helping build quality products and most of all (my main passion in work) how to build them skilfully.

So while working out how to communicate what a quality model could look like i.e. answering the age old question ‘what is quality?’ I stumbled upon the idea that the quality model I was drawing covered everything in life not just business. How so? At the centre of quality is people. From the people you work with to the people you spend your life with. You and the people you’re surrounded by create quality. Quality is the magic that happens when people get together and understand the Why, How and What in life.

Here’s where I’ve landed so far

There are 3 core elements to my quality model (I say ‘my’ loosely as I’m sure I’ve unconsciously stolen it from somewhere):

Quality of product (or life) – this is the WHY i.e. Why are you making it? Why are you doing what you’re doing? Why are you living your life in such a way?

Quality of production (or living) – this is the HOW i.e. how are you building your product? How are you living your life? Are you doing it effectively? Are you doing it skilfully? Are you considering others?

Quality of service (or responding) – this is the WHAT i.e. What are you doing for the customers of the product? E.g. Response times for issues, how you retain and increase customer happiness. In life, quality of service is how you respond to what happens to you, what you do with others and how you treat yourself and those around you.

Starting a couple of weeks ago I began to integrate these 3 elements into my gratitude journal, meditation, interaction with others and my role at work. The difference I’m experiencing is one of purpose. I’m more purposeful when including quality elements directly in my thinking and actions. I’m still failing to include it all the time however, it’s going to take continual practice and habit (like brushing my teeth morning and night) to master.

An example of not using it happened earlier this week, where life became overwhelming for me. The troubles encountered trying to get our dog Bertie from the UK to Denmark tipped the scales and my coping mechanisms failed. The sheer amount of things to complete for our Denmark relocation is still huge, the backlog I have at work is becoming difficult to manage, the savings we’re spending is upsetting and being the best person I can be at the same time is challenging. I broke inside and Mandie helped pick me back up. Always the optimist and fabulous wife, she got me back on track. It was momentary, 30 minutes where I became overwhelmed and despondent.

Afterwards, on my train journey to Unity I considered Quality of service, where I reminded myself that no matter what the situation, I can respond with joy not despair. Everything unexpected that’s been challenging has been out of my control. How I respond is the most important part I play. As an avid stoic I’m usually good at problems and overcoming them. However, I’ve not had this many things going on at the same time before, and coping strategies for the sheer scale of what needs doing is where I was unprepared.

Now I’m using this quality model proactively as well as reactively, it’s really making a difference. If you like it and try it in life or business please let me know how it works out. Also, it’s far from perfect and has gaps, if you’d like to send your input and help make it better with me I’d love that! You can direct message me at [email protected].

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