5 Share Friday

5 Share Friday 20 July 2018

1. Quote I’ve been pondering this week ‘The older I get, the more I understand that the only way to say valuable things is to lose your fear of being correct.’ Malcolm Gladwell

2. Biggest impact on my thinking – Yesterday I listened to Malcolm Gladwell’s last episode of this seasons Revisionist History. It’s a season of podcasts focused on failure and the ways in which we judge each other for our mistakes and choices. Malcolm describes how the easy way to look at people’s mistakes is to condemn them. The much harder thing is to look at those mistakes and understand.

The latest episode is fantastic, it plays my favourite live Elvis song, the one where he breaks down into fits of laughter. Malcolm also introduces Kaci Bolls and a powerful song named Somebody’s Something’ (I recommend listening). If you get past the end credits you’ll hear Malcolm singing an Elvis song himself!

3. I discovered the term JOMO this week (It stands for Joy of Missing Out). It’s the opposite of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). My modus operandi with tech and social networking is to keep it minimised and so FOMO isn’t part of my life. I’ll never go back to endlessly scrolling through social media feeds. I don’t spend more than a few minutes each day seeing what friends and family are up to. Apparently the average person spends 4 hours a day on social feeds! Here is a great piece on JOMO, make it your modus operandi and live a more joyful life.

4. Talking of FOMO, I might have slight FOMO over my departure from Microsoft given this financial news, holy moly. I expect to see my MS friends driving around in some nice cars straight out of Forza Horizon next year.

5. I visited Lithuania this week, specifically Vilnius. It’s a wonderful city full of wonderful people and I’ll be going back and forth now and then as we have an office there. If you’re interested in visiting an Eastern European country, one that’s friendly, interesting and not expensive, you won’t go far wrong with Lithuania (and they know how to make cocktails!)

Wishing you a fabulous weekend!

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