5 Share Friday

5 Share Friday 13 July 2018

1. Quote I’ve been pondering this week “Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching.” –  Satchel Paige

2. Most fascinating read – This piece about the colour blue and why we should be aware of how we react to it. From the colour of your car dashboard (well done BMW) to your phone display, each one can affect how you perform and rest. Since learning from this article, I’ve changed my iPhone colour settings using this websites help.

3. Tim Ferriss highlights the single habit that leads to success. I introduced this habit into my life 18 months ago. To say my life has changed dramatically since then is an understatement. The impact isn’t ephemeral, keep up this habit and you’ll keep seeing success.

4. What I’ve given up – noise cancelling headphones. I’ve been given a nice pair of noise cancelling headphones at work. The sound quality is amazing and the built in mic means for video conferencing they are the perfect solution. The problem I’ve found is that I’m not able to use the noise cancelling feature, it makes me feel sick and gives me a headache. I haven’t found a headset (this was my second) where this feature doesn’t yet make me feel ill, and so I’m still hunting (if you have recommendations I’m all ears..) It’s actually pretty common to feel sick, especially when using the better ones out there, here’s a good write up . If you’re considering noise cancelling I recommend trying a pair first.

5. I bought this bike for my commuting and general run arounds. I wanted something a little more colourful, yet was advised it wouldn’t be long before a thief stole it. So I’ve gone for a bike that blends in nicely. I’ve since done a bunch of research on bike locks and for every day use this lock comes up as popular on many reviews, so I bought one. If you’re after a small light (ish) lock for every day use (and high security) it fits the bill perfectly.

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