1. Quote I’m pondering this week “Predicting rain doesn’t count. Building arks does” – Warren Buffett
2. Information is beautiful – I’ve been looking at this book again and have a renewed awe for its display of information in a wonderfully digestible way. In my work I’m looking at how I can better present data, this book changed how I did it years ago and is doing it again for me now. I also got the chance to look through Knowledge is Beautiful too (the newer follow up) and it’s terrific. If you want an inspiring, enjoyable table book for home or work this fits the bill perfectly.
3. Cooking without foil. We’ve been using these silicon mats at home and they are incredible. If you use baking trays in the oven for any type of cooking you need these mats, available on Amazon as well.

4. What I’ve been reading on the internet. This is the best advice I’ve ever seen on what to do when looking for a new job. It’s an incredible example of what you can do in order to be proactive and land a role for you on your terms, don’t miss out even if you’re not looking it’s worth book marking for the future.
5. On Monday evening my 5 year old son told me “Daddy, you’re always on a plane or train!” He was a little sad I was off for a few days on a work trip. The reality is that it’s only once a month for a couple of nights on average, though it does feel like a lot of my time is on a train or plane somewhere. He then followed it up with “Bring me back some Lego please”.
This week I’ve been back in the UK, sadly not enough time to catch up with old friends, hopefully that’ll happen soon. In London Victoria I realised I hadn’t missed the flagrant disregard Brits seem to have for those around them. I was being pushed about and people were swearing at each other for going too slow. I’m so grateful that in Denmark there’s almost a hyper awareness for those around you. This isn’t totally true of the Copenhagen tourists however 😀. If we were all in less of a hurry and cared for those around us, the world would be even more fabulous.