5 Share Friday

22nd September 2017

What a week it’s been, I’m looking forward to some downtime before I initiate a big change in my life, I’ve booked a few days here: where there is no wifi and we’re planning on not using technology for anything other than phone calls / msgs and maps.

1. Quote that’s helped me stay tuned in on any aches and pains I have: “Do not complain about growing old, it’s a privilege denied to many” – Mark Twain. I don’t hear much about Mark Twain nowadays, he’s one of the greatest American writers in history so it’s a shame. His humour and entrepreneurship are inspiring and this quote has helped me make sure I’m grateful even during the hardest of times

2. TED talks have been a bit overhyped for me recently, though I found this one on gaining control of time and the 2 simple actions she gives (I won’t spoil it, watch the vid) have already started to make a difference, it’s unmissable.

3. On the subject of time, you may remember a while ago my talk about the Pomodoro technique. Well I’ve been using this website for a while now and highly recommend it:

4. My son Mack has started school for the first time and in order to keep his system up for coping with all the disease and germs I’ve found this great tasting breakfast smoothie, a good way to get greens into you and any kids you may have: 1 cup unsweetened almond milk – 1 cup frozen berries – 1 banana, peeled – 2 cups kale, ribs removed, coarsely chopped – 1/2 cup pitted and coarsely chopped medjool dates.

5. A friend shared this link about successful people and compound time, it’s an inspiring read and I’ve been able to cross reference many of the actions with ones I’ve implemented for myself, giving me confidence that what feels good is actually good for me, check it out.

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